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Connection Between Leadership and Self-Control

Written by B3 Alliance, Inc | June 20, 2017 12:00:00 PM Z

Image source: Pexels


Self-control separates homo sapiens from our ancient ancestors and animals. It's what keeps us in charge of keeping a healthy balance between our desires and rationality. It prevents us from overeating, substance abuse, and helps us perform better at school and work. Freud said that self-discipline is the essence of civilized life. But, how does having a high-level (or low-level) of self-control impact our work?

While leaders with high-levels of self-discipline have shown to have more effective leadership styles as you can imagine. And while we've always know it, a study know proves how leadership declines with low-levels of self control or discipline.

Read more about how having low self-control impacts your work, and what are keys to maintaining a high-level of self-control in your working environment in the Harvard Business Review article here.

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