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What You Need To Know as an Aspiring Startup Founder

Written by B3 Alliance, Inc | July 24, 2017 12:01:00 PM Z

Image source: Harvard Business Review


If you strive to launch your own startup, you need to have a certain broad knowledge and a precise set of skills. What are those skills and what's the best way to get them?


These questions were posted to Harvard Business School alumni founders, with the intention to learn what someone looking to increase their position needs to know. The group of respondents consisted of 141 alumni founders, most are leading technology sector startups, backed by venture capital.


Surprisingly, the survey showed that no single skill is more important than any other. The founders voted that they needed to have a wide range of management skills, rather than a primary focus like hiring or sales. To make sure the results of the survey were not impacted by the fact that the respondents are MBA alumni, the same questions were asked to 20 non-MBA startup founders. Yet again, the responses were similar.

To read more about the results of the survey and how respondents explained their assessments, check out this Harvard Business Review article here.


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