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Don't let Your Content Marketing be Mediocre

Written by B3 Alliance, Inc | July 28, 2017 12:00:00 PM Z

Image source: Entrepreneur


Today's audience expects a lot from our content marketing. Living in a world of instant gratification they want their needs to be addressed immediately and in the right manner. This presents marketers a big challenge, as constantly coming up with fresh new content is not easy.

When marketers lack inspiration, they tend to look at their previous pieces of content to generate ideas. Although it's good to find inspiration in your own work, doing this too often can lead to creating content that's predictable. And when audiences sense this - they'll turn around and look elsewhere to search for authenticity. If you notice you've started to lose results or motivation, get the courage to look elsewhere else for ideas.

Here's one idea to get the most out of your content marketing by approaching content creation from a different angle - newsjacking (more casually - riding a trend). Follow the most recent events and news and see if you notice something that resonates with your audience - use this opportunity to create content based on a larger trend. That'll help you get more traffic, and more conversions as you ride a new wave of attention.

To learn about the other ways you can improve your content marketing strategy and avoid it being seen as mediocre, read the Entrepreneur magazine article here.

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