Boost Your Sales by Adding a CRM to G Suite

Posted by B3 Alliance, Inc on Jul 20, 2017 8:00:00 AM


Image source: Zoho


For small business owners, running a business with G Suite is an excellent choice. Gmail, Docs, and Drive can successfully maintain collaboration between everyone, which is one of the biggest challenges of every business. As your company grows over time, you'll need to become even more efficient and perform better as you scale operations. Especially when it comes to your sales.

Adding a CRM to your G Suite can have many benefits.  Data from your cloud platform can be seamlessly added to the tools you use for a smooth running of your sales process.

As your customer base grows over time, keeping up with all of their information becomes difficult. Since typical analytics can't be applied in just an email platform, sales reps don't know from which source the leads came from, or their full history with your company. This is where a CRM comes in. With automating your sales process with CRM and having the ability to store contact information in one central place, following up with leads doesn't feel like a nightmare.

Zoho CRM

To learn how adding CRM system can help boost your sales, and how Zoho CRM integrates with G Suite, read more in Zoho company blog here.

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Topics: Zoho CRM, Zoho, CRM, sales

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