Designing the Perfect Sales Pitch

Posted by B3 Alliance, Inc on Aug 11, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Image source: Pixabay


Working in sales was never easy. It takes a lot of knowledge and brain power to execute the sales strategies that work. One of the biggest limitations for successful sales is the fact that in small business, people wear a lot of hats. The owner often has to act as a salesperson while playing point for operations. We've talked before about the ways to increase your sales skills even if you're not a salesperson, and now we're gonna see how to become better at sales by thinking like a scientist.

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Topics: management, sales

Secrets to Closing the Big Deal

Posted by B3 Alliance, Inc on May 30, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Image source: Pixabay


Not only do big deals not come around often, but they take a lot of communication to close. You have to work across different departments, shareholders, and secure objectives before a mutually beneficial relationship is created for any big agreement.

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Topics: management, entrepreneurship, training, sales

Improve Your Sales Skills Even if You're Not A Salesperson

Posted by B3 Alliance, Inc on May 29, 2017 9:25:00 AM

Image source: Harvard Business Review


We all have to act as salespeople sometimes - even if you're not one. At some point in your career, you'll have to sell your idea, your team, or even yourself. But how can you expect to sell something without formal sales training or sales team experience?

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Topics: management, training, sales

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