Identifying Bad Sales Leads on Time

Posted by B3 Alliance, Inc on Jul 26, 2017 8:00:00 AM


Image source: Small Business Trends


A sales person's time is valuable, and every hour of their work should be spent the best way possible. That's why it's crucial to maximize selling time and avoid wasting it on bad sales leads.

Bad sales leads are people who gladly engage in deep conversations about a product or service, without the real intention or capability of buying. Sales teams can easily end up spending an unreasonable amount of time not qualifying these leads by putting more focus on their quantity or not noticing bad signals, by not reading into quality. For reaching and maximizing your goals, sales teams need to focus on reaching out to leads that are qualified and highly likely to buy, by minimizing time with bad leads. Your team needs to know when to cut the chase.

The good news is, there are certain ways to identify bad sales leads before they begin wasting a sales person's time. A good way to start is by doing a basic background check on the prospect using Google. You can determine far more if they're the right fit and ideal customer based on their demographics, reputation, and prior history.

To find out other ways to identify a bad sales lead, read the Small Business Trends article here.

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